
I'm observing that when I have an object  with array attributes, ADB behaves 
different depending on whether that attribute is inherited or not.

If I have an inherited array, and I don't call its set method, that element 
won't appear in the SOAP message. The client will see that the array is null.

If in the same case, I set it to null, the element will appear as nil in the 
SOAP message.  The client sees an array of one null component.

With a non-inherited array, the element will appear as nil if I set it to null 
and if I don't call the method too. The client sees an array of one null 

If I have an attribute that is not an array (ex: a String). Its behaviour is 
the same if it's inherited or not. The element will appear as nil.

My question are: 

Why does it work different for an inherited array??

Why my client sees the array with one null component when the array comes as 
nil?? Shouldn't him see it as a null array??

Why when an attribute is null it appears as nil in the soap message?? Shouldn't 
it be better that the attribute wouldn't appear in the message?


Jorge Fernández


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