> Hi,
> About new phase called addressing, is it possible to change the order
in axis2.xml or is it mandatory to keep that order?? I'm asking this
because in Inflow, Addressing appears before security and when I encrypt
WS-Addressing headers I receive an exception from the service:
You can definitely change the order as you like , the only reason to
change that to get RM+Security working in both SMTP and HTTP.  In the
case of SMTP we have to keep that phase order , in other cases you can
change that as you like.
> org.apache.axis2.AxisFault: The org.apache.axis2.AxisFault: A required
>  header representing a Message Addressing Property is not present
> I tried changind the order and I stopped having this exception (I have
another related with rampart) but I don't know if this will cause any
other problems.
> Also another question related with phases:
> Why security phase is not added to outFaultFlow??I wanted to encrypt
faults and I tried adding it by hand but I saw no difference, the
message is not encrypted
outFaultFlow will be invoked only if a fault occur , and I think we need
to add the phase to that flow as well (if security is putting handlers)


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