you can  use the  the syntax

public interface ServiceInreface {

      String echoText(OMElement element); 


I have done the same using eclipse plug in so it should be possible with
<java2wsdl>  also


Binoy K Philip 


From: Ashish Arya [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, August 21, 2007 2:01 PM
Subject: RE: Problem with MTOM

Hi All,


Let me re-phrase my question to make it simpler. 


Can we use <java2wsdl> ant task to generate the WSDL file especially
when MTOM attachments are expected in Request or Response?


I noticed that inside the axis2/samples/mtom folder, the build file
doesn't contain task to generate WSDL file from a java file.


How should we automate the process of generation of WSDL for MTOM


Thanks and 1Regards,


Ashish Arya,

Sungard Offshore Services (India) <> 



From: Ashish Arya [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, August 20, 2007 5:13 PM
Subject: Problem with MTOM


Hi All,


I am new to AXIS 2 and trying to implement a small web service
application which uses MTOM attachment.  In my simple web service
application, I have an operation called 'echoText()' which expects a
text file as MTOM attachment as request parameter to this operation. In
return this method simply echo the text contained in the attached file.


public interface ServiceInreface {

      String echoText(String name); 



My question is: how can I inform the <Java2wsld> ant task that the
string request parameter to my web service operation expects a MTOM
attachment inside it. Thus the WSDL generated should have an entry like


    <xs:schema attributeFormDefault="qualified"
xmlns:xs= ..................>

    <xs:import namespace="";
schemaLocation="xsd0.xsd"/> <!-This I have taken from MTOM sample

      <xs:element name="echoText">



                        <xs:element name="param0" nillable="true"

                        <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="binaryData"




Instead of 



    <xs:schema attributeFormDefault="qualified"
xmlns:xs= .... ..... .... ... ... ...
... ... ... ..>

    <xs:import namespace="";

      <xs:element name="echoText">



                        <xs:element name="param0" nillable="true"




Please help me to understand this.


Thanks and Regards,







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