Please get the Axis2 1.3's source zip and look at:

You can write your own class that overrides the getContentType method
of that class and specify your class in the axis2.xml


On 8/21/07, Ford, Jennifer M. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> All,
> I've developed some web services that will be in use by both Java and
> .NET users.  Java clients have no problem with the results, but the
> first .NET developer has reported a problem with the WCF text encoder
> for .NET that is preventing them from correctly parsing the response.
> Has anyone encountered this problem and if so, is there a way that I can
> fix it on my server side so that we can proceed?
> If I could change the order of the headers, that would likely be
> sufficient.  Is there a way to do that through configuration changes?
> Thanks,
> Jennifer
> For reference, here's the email from my client:
> After a bit of research, I have found that the WCF text encoder has a
> bug in it right now.  It does an awkward series of string parsing to
> determine the content type and character set in the http header.  The
> current logic assumes that the character set will always immediately
> follow the content type.  However, Axis inserts the optional action
> parameter between content type and character set.  On a side note, let
> me be clear that I am not saying this is a problem with Axis.  WCF just
> doesn't properly implement the W3C RFC in this situation.
> For example, the following content type header would be successfully
> parsed:
> application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8; action="http://myaction";
> However, if you swap the order of action and charset, WCF currently
> can't handle it:
> application/soap+xml; action="http://myaction";; charset=utf-8
> This is apparently a known issue that will be addressed in the next
> release of WCF.  Unfortunately, I obviously need a solution right now.
> :)
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