I do something similar.  I grab the SOAPMessage and parse a couple of
attributes of the message.  The whole thing then gets stored into a
database.  I had to create a custom handler to do this work and then insert
the handler into the handler chain.

Once the handler gets the message you will have access to the xml.

The handler code looks something like this....

public void invoke(MessageContext msgContext)throws AxisFault
            SOAPMessageContext soapCntxt = (SOAPMessageContext)msgContext;
            SOAPMessage message = soapCntxt.getMessage();
            SOAPBody body = message.getSOAPBody();


You'll need to modify you server deploy descripter (wsdd) to insert the
handler in the chain.

I hope this helps.


On 8/23/07, Kerstin Bauer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all!
> I'm new to Axis and I'm sorry if my question sounds silly...
> I developed a webservice with Axis 1.4 and Java. Furthermore I wrote a
> Client to access this webserver.
> What I'm supposed to do now is to examine the SOAP Body, if it really
> contains the message that is contained and to validate the message for my
> purposes. So I would like to read the XML of the SOAP Body. Is that
> possible? How can I do this?
> Some more information:
> I created the webservice by writing the wsdl-document and then using the
> wsdl2java command for creating the java classes.
> An excerpt of my client code:
> RetManService service = new RetManServiceLocator();
> RetMan stub;
> try {
>     stub = service.getretMan();
>     result = stub.search(query);
> ...
> }
> An excerpt of my webserver code:
> public class RetManSOAPBindingImpl implements retrievalJava.RetMan{
>     public MQueryType search(MQueryType queryType) throws RemoteException
> {
>     ...
>     }
> }
> Thanks in advance for your help!
> Kerstin
> --
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