I guess my problem is that the error message isn't really clear, I'm in a 
situation of putting an API out there to third parties, and so I've gone with a 
pretty strict API to make message validation easier, but I'm finding ADB error 
messages to be rather terse and uninformative.  So I'm kind of curious if there 
is a hooking point where I can extend the ADB layer to return a more meaningful 
message, something akin to what you would get out of validating the request 
against the schema.  In my example the absence, or misplacement of that 
categoryId field returns an error indicating that it is categoryId that is 
broken, but it is possible for there to many instances of category id so with 
out a reference to which one, or a line number, or even a more clear error 
message a user is sort of left with an uneasy feeling on exactly what went 


Has anyone else tackled complex validation scenario's?




From: Amila Suriarachchi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, August 31, 2007 12:13 AM
To: axis-user@ws.apache.org
Subject: Re: Improved Error Response for Bad Requests on ADB



On 8/31/07, Geoff Peart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Took me until now to upgrade to 1.3, and I agree, the error's are better now 
they zero in on the one line of the exception that does matter:


< faultstring > org.apache.axis2.databinding.ADBException: Unexpected 
subelement CategoryId </ faultstring >

this means ADB parser has encountered an in valid element. The reason for this 
most of the time is the request 
does not contain a requried element value.

eg lets take this element
<xsd:element name="TestElement">
                <xsd:element name="param1" type="xsd:string"/> 
                <xsd:element name="param2" type="xsd:string"/>

here both param1 and param2 are requried elements since they have the default 
minOccurs=1 value. 
a valid request for this elements is 

but if it receives a reqeust without param1 i.e. 

Now after reading TestElement adb parser expects the param1 since it is a 
required element. but it gets param2 which is an unexpected element.

So it throws an excpetion saying unexcpeted subelement param2.

To debug this first locate the CategoryID and check it has received the correct 
element before that.

You can use the -Eosv option to let adb thinks every element is optional. 



        But it doesn't really say where in the message that value was out of 
place, or why its wrong, as in the case:


        < faultstring > For input string: "2320asdf" </ faultstring >


        Where now I have the element in the correct location, but with an 
invalid value (mixed text instead of a numerical value.)


        So I'm at an impasse, do I rewrite my API to expect virtually any 
value, but at least in a rigid structure, and do my validation in code, or 
leave my 3rd parties with obscure error messages?


        I'm hoping there is a 3rd choice I've missed?





        From: Jorge Fernandez [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
        Sent: Friday, August 10, 2007 6:00 PM
        To: axis-user@ws.apache.org; Geoff Peart
        Subject: RE: Improved Error Response for Bad Requests on ADB


        This is a known bug in Axis2 1.2 but seems to be resolved in 1.3.
        Jorge Fernández
        Geoff Peart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió:

        Using the default Data Binding, a badly formed request gets meaningless
        runtime exceptions making it difficult for a client to develop and debug
        their application. Is there a way to either override this behaviour, or
        plug-in better error handling? I don't want to get in and edit the
        generated code, but even if the runtime errors held more information
        like why its failing would be a step in the right direction?
        Any help would be great.
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Amila Suriarachchi,
WSO2 Inc. 

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