Hi John,
Could you please create a JIRA and attach whatever necessary to recreate
the issue.

> Hi  all,
>         I'm a newbie to Axis2, though have used Axis1 before, and am
> having trouble with exceptions on the client end.
>         I've deployed a POJO as a service under Tomcat. I generated
> the service and client using Eclipse WTP, so to be as brief as
> possible, the service has a method:
>     public CounterLight getCounter(Long nsuk)
>         throws CounterNotFoundException
>     {
>         :
>         throw new CounterNotFoundException("Exception!!!!") ;
>     }
>         CounterNotFoundException is simply an extension of
> java.lang.Exception (it implements Serializable as well, though I
> don't think this makes any difference)
>     Wsdl2java generates a class called
> CounterNotFoundExceptionException2 alongside the stub for the service
>     On the client side I have:
>    try {
>         stub.getCounter(params) ; // Params initialised properly etc
>    }
>    catch(CounterNotFoundExceptionException2 e) {
>         e.printStackTrace() ;
>     }
>     catch (AxisFault e) {
>         e.printStackTrace() ;
>     }
>     The AxisFault is ALWAYS the one that is received, never the
> generated exception (though the compiler insists that I check for it).
>     On the server side, I also get a
> "java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException...Caused by CounterException"
>     Can anybody point me in the right direction here, am I missing
> something? I've googled extensively, searched the list archives etc,
> but couldn't find much of help.
> Thanks for any help!
> John

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