Hello,  should the code gen plug-in version be in sync with the axis2 
version that is being used?  I am trying to generate the java code with a 
wsdl and xsd files (the wsdl imports the xsd) using JiBX data binding. 
Version 1.3 of Code Generator has the JiBX binding option, but the 1.2 
version does not.    I have tried having the Axis2/Code Gen versions 
sync'd on the 1.3 versions respectively, but I still receive the same 
error below when clicking the Finish on the code gen dialogs. 

   An error occurred while completing process 

Other than changing the databinding name to JiBX the default options  were 

used on that dialog. 

Steps performed:

1) Opened new Eclipse 3.2 project

2) Imported wsdl and xsd files to project

3) Imported external axis2 1.2 Jars

4)  crtl N for  Plug-ins Wizard ->  Selected  Axis2 Code Generator

5) Options chosen: 

        A.  Generate Java Source Code from WSDL file
        B.  Specify path to WSDL file
        C.  Change Codegen option to: Custom
        D.  Generate Client side code option checked 
        E.  Generate Both Sync  & Asysnc
        F.   Namespace to package mappings look OK 

Please let me know if there is something that I am doing wrong or if there 

are other steps that need to be done.  Is there a log that would help me 
to understand if there is something wrong with the WSDL or XSD files or 
possibly a bug with the Code Gen tool. 

Thanks ... Joe 


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