Thank you very much for your help, Suran and Lahiru. 
>First of all, I see that your class uses generics. Please note that Axis2
only supports simple-types, arrays and beans. Since Axis2 is JDK1.4
compliant, generics are not >supported.
>So what you can do is replace your genericised List arguments with arrays.
>e.g.: replace List<Class32> with Class32[].
I think I am more confused than I thought :-(. Because of your explanation I
deduce that I should use another web service framework, maybe Apache
Tuscany. Is this right?
>Your service folder structure looks ok to me. When the eclipse plugin has
created the .aar file, check whether it contains the intended structure.
>(rename the .aar file to .zip and you'll be able to deal with it using any
zip tool, or extract the .aar file somewhere and take a look at the
extracted structure, or do  "jar tvf" on the archive).
Regarding the generation of .aar files. I checked the structure generated
before and I thought that it was wrong, because where is the
"MyService.class"??. The generated structure is: 

        - ............. 
    -lib (the libraries that I described in my latter mail)
        -services.xml (the same xml that I described in my latter mail)

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