Common practice is to define the exact message structures expected and
returned in the WSDL file. This approach is more easily consumed by
application tooling than an undefined WSDL with schemas and samples.


On 10/16/07, Dimitris Mouchritsas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Deepal Jayasinghe wrote:
> > Hi Dimitris ,
> > You may use Axis2 POJO rather than using Axiom directly. Then you can
> > come up with the java bean with the required properties , after that you
> > can use that as the method signature. If you do so Axis2 will generate
> > the correct wsdl for you.
> >
> > Thanks
> > Deepal
> >
> >> Hi everyone, I've started to use axis2 (version 1.2) for almost a month
> >> now and I'd like your help with deployment.
> >> Even though the service is up and working fine in my development
> >> environment I would like some advice
> >> before we need to deploy to the client.
> >> The messages I need to pass through, say lessons would presumably be in
> >> the following form:
> >> (I'm writing without a namespace defined but I would like one)
> >>
> >> ===============================================
> >> Request:
> >> <viewLesson lesson_id="123" />
> >>
> >> Response:
> >> <viewLessonResponse>
> >>  <title>Lesson's title</title>
> >>  <lesson>blah blah....</lesson>
> >>  <date_created>21/12/2006</date_created>
> >>  <attached_files>
> >>      <attachment>
> >>          <filename>something.pdf</filename>
> >>          <data>base 64 encoded data</data>
> >>       </attachment>
> >>   </attached_files>
> >> </viewLessonResponse>
> >> ===============================================
> >>
> >> So I've written my service class like:
> >>
> >> ==================================================
> >> package org.example;
> >>
> >> // import stuff
> >>
> >> public class MyService {
> >>
> >>   public OMElement viewLesson(OMElement xml) {
> >>       // process the element and return the xml
> >>   }
> >> }
> >> ==================================================
> >>
> >> and in my services.xml I have a service group and say MyService in there:
> >> ===============================================================================
> >>
> >> <service name="MyService"
> >>             class="my.real.package.lifecycle.MyServiceLifeCycle"
> >>             scope="application"
> >>             targetNamespace="";>
> >>
> >>        <Description>
> >>           My Description
> >>        </Description>
> >>
> >>        <schema schemaNamespace=""/>
> >>
> >>        <module ref="logger" />
> >>
> >>        <parameter name="ServiceClass" locked="false">
> >>            org.example.MyService
> >>        </parameter>
> >>
> >>        <operation name="viewLesson">
> >>            <messageReceiver
> >>
> >> class="org.apache.axis2.receivers.RawXMLINOutMessageReceiver" />
> >>        </operation>
> >> </service>
> >>
> >> Now I know axis can't know about my data to produce a proper wsdl file,
> >> but what I get is weird, this is what I don't understand:
> >>
> >> <wsdl:definitions targetNamespace="";>
> >>    <wsdl:documentation>
> >>            My Documentation
> >>    </wsdl:documentation>
> >>    <wsdl:types>
> >>    <xs:schema targetNamespace="";
> >> attributeFormDefault="qualified" elementFormDefault="qualified">
> >>        <xs:element name="viewLesson">
> >>            <xs:complexType>
> >>                <xs:sequence>
> >>                    <xs:element name="viewLesson" type="xs:anyType"
> >> nillable="true"/>
> >>                </xs:sequence>
> >>            </xs:complexType>
> >>        </xs:element>
> >>        <xs:element name="viewLessonResponse">
> >>            <xs:complexType>
> >>                <xs:sequence>
> >>                    <xs:element name="return" type="xs:anyType"
> >> nillable="true"/>
> >>                </xs:sequence>
> >>            </xs:complexType>
> >>        </xs:element>
> >> ... Rest of stuff
> >> ===============================================================================
> >>
> >>
> >> Why does viewLesson contain another element in there named viewLesson?
> >> And viewLessonResponse an element named return? What am I doing wrong?
> >> Sorry for the long post, but I tried to be as detailed as possible.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
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> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> I see what you mean, I'll give it a try. What is the current practice in
> Web Services though? Have the exact mapping in the wsdl file or use
> arbitrary xml and provide a schema and examples to the client?
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