
I have had years of experience as a Java developer, but I am relatively
new to setting up web services/clients.  I am trying to consume a
cookieless .NET web service with WSDL2Java generated classes, and when
my stub call invokes a web service method, I get the following


java.net.MalformedURLException: no protocol:


All of the strings in the generated "Locator" class used to set the
endpoint URL correctly include the fully qualified path
<http://localhost/MyWebService/Service1.asmx> ).


As you can probably guess from the useless default names, the web
service is also mine, and when I change the web.config sessionState
properties to use cookies (which I'd rather not do), I don't get the
exception.  I will also add that I find dealing with sessions in .NET a
thorough pain!


So, why is Axis trying to create a URL with the sessionID-stamped path
sans protocol/server?


Thanks in advance for your help.

- Geoff




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