
I am using Axis2 1.2 as a web service client.
I have some question regarding the configContextTimeout. I am going to set
the socket timeout value to 60 seconds instead of the default 30 as the
service provider sometimes return response in 40 seconds.

Inside axis2.xml, I added the <parameter
name="SO_TIMEOUT">60000</parameter>in <transportSender
name="http" .../> and <transportSender name="https" .../>.

I also notice that there is an element <parameter
name="ConfigContextTimeoutInterval" locked="false">30</parameter>. Do I need
to modify the ConfigContextTimeoutInterval to a value greater than or equal
to the socket timeout value? If I change SO_TIMEOUT value to 60000 but keep
this ConfigContextTimeoutInterval as 30 seconds, what will be the impact if
my service provider returns response only in 40 seconds time?


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