
I did same successfully some time back.

        <xsd:schema xmlns="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/";
                <xsd:include  schemaLocation="CommandInfo.xsd"/> 

Use similar include to include you xsd in WSDL and have attribute name 
qualified in XSD. Keep xsd in same folder.


"Matthew Fadoul" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
10/18/2007 04:06 PM
Please respond to


Problems with Schemas and WSDL in Axis2

Hello all,
I’m having trouble using my own schemas in WSDL.  Part of it may be 
related to the Axis2 code generation.
So, I’ve made my own “HelloWorld” example.  Here’s my process:
1) Make WSDL file (attached)
2) Process with Axis2 code generation to build client/server code.  Fill 
in a little of the skeleton code.
3) Build inside Eclipse using Ant
4) Package with the Axis2 Service Archiver.
I’ve attached my WSDL and Schema.  The schema has little more than a type 
definition based on “xs:string”.
I’ve placed my XSD file on a local server.  This is reflected in the 
attached WSDL here:
<xs:import namespace="HW" schemaLocation="
http://strawberry/schema/HelloWorldSimple.xsd"; />
By the time the service gets placed on the Axis server, the 
to the schema in “HelloWorldExternalSchemaService?wsdl” becomes:
<xs:import namespace="HW" schemaLocation="
" />
Unfortunately, Axis can’t seem to resolve my schema with the “xsd” option. 
 Because of this, the schema and all of its types are unresolved.
As a side note, I’ve also toyed with locale schema (i.e. the XSD file is 
in the same directory as the WSDL file), though I haven’t had much success 
with that route either.
Questions.  Are there:
Any ideas or advice for integrating schemas with WSDL? 
Any ideas why the code generator is changing the schema location? 
Any glaring mistakes (e.g. namespace problems or DOC/RPC stuff) in my 
Thank you!
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Attachment: HelloWorldSimple.xsd
Description: Binary data

Attachment: HelloWorldExternalSchema.wsdl
Description: Binary data

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