On Mon, 2007-10-22 at 09:09 -0400, Walker, Jeff wrote:
> 1. Web services shouldn't be stateful. (Far harder to keep that
> promise than to recite it). My own current service is stateful, and it
> breaks the SOA rules we have in place here, causing me no end to
> issues. Removing the statefulness once it creeps into your project is
> like getting blood from a stone. Best remedy is to create a composite
> service that is stateless, and that talks to the client. It also
> formulates a series of web service calls to your stateful service that
> does the real work. The composite service then returns the result to
> the client. BPEL could help here.

Jeff, can you tell me about a non-trivial stateless web service?
What is the difference between the first (i.e. the stateful WS talks to
the client) and the second approach (i.e. the stateful WS is hidden by a
stateless one)?

> 2. Web services are not suitable for large data transfer, at all. I
> have found past about 20Mb of data per request/response and the
> service starts to timeout. That is even when RAM is added and
> processors are upgraded. On one of my previous web services gigs I was
> asked to build a web service to transfer files. They grew from 20Mb to
> 75Mb with few troubles except for the occasional timeout, then to 1
> Gig in size. The remedy was to call the service asynchronously. There
> are various Microsoft and IBM websites that will explain that mode of
> calling. (If you need them, I can send you the article urls, I just
> don't have them handy right now).
> Remedy is to rethink your architecture. Web services will perform very
> badly for you on large data sets. (So bad as to be totally unusable).
> So simply don't use the web services for the data transfer. Try FTP
> instead, and use the web service to generate the files and pass back
> the address of where to find the files. It sounds like the granularity
> of your service is too fine-grained. You need to think in higher terms
> for the web service operations. 

What about WS with JMS?


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