
I have some POJO classes that I use java2wsdl to generate a wsdl file
for me.  I'm curious if there is any syntax that can be used in those
java classes that will automatically add min/max inclusive to the
generated WSDL?

Lets say i have a simple class like

public class TestClass
  private int testInt;
  public void setTestInt(int i)
    testInt = i;
  public int getTestInt()
    return 0;

Say that i want the WSDL to insure that setTestInt only accepts values
between 0 and 10, is there a way to make a change in TestClass so that
min/max Inclusive gets put into the WSDL or do you have to manually
tweak the generated WSDL and add some like the following?

<xs:minInclusive value="0" />
<xs:maxInclusive value="10" />



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