
I experienced a similar problem. The code generators for gsoap and axis
generated incompatible implementations, even when I gave each of them
the exact same WSDL file. During my debugging I did some packet
sniffing. It appeared that they could not agree on where the xmlns
attribute should go. I ended up trying csoap (
http://csoap.sourceforge.net/ ). It worked with axis, but I strongly
warn against using it. I've discovered nearly 30 buffer overflows and at
least 1 memory leak in csoap. The project hasn't had much activity
lately and the csoap author didn't respond to the patch I sent him. I've
since created a new project cshampoo ( http://cshampoo.sourceforge.net )
to clean up csoap. I should be releasing the first beta in the next week
or two.


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