Here are the links that can be handy reference,

From the axis2 docs :
The current unwrapper looks for the following patterns and fails if it
is not found!

< element >
      < complexType >
           < sequence >
               < element />
           < /sequence >
       < /complexType >
  < /element >


So the wsdl file for all rpc encoded styles have to be modified to
support lit style. Well this can be cumbersome if the wsdl file is too
big like amazon and google. And keeping the files up2date can be
time-consuming and prone to errors.

Supporting rpc-encoded style will be a welcome addition to axis2, i
dont think google and amazon and so on are going to change their

On 10/28/07, Łabno, Bernard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Use axis 1.x which implements JAX-RPC, ancestor of JAX-WS, which supports
> rpc/encoded style. I have same issue and must use old axis, however i've
> read
> that you can use some workaround in axis2 to use rpc/encoded style. Howto is
> on axis2 site, i think.
> > Well I think it is time to think about this , if we can support
> > RPC-encoded wsdl then a number of users will be benefited from that
> >
> > Deepal
> >
> > > No its not a bug. Axis2 does not support RPC-encoded style WSDLs.
> > >
> > > Thanks,
> > > Keith.
> --
> Bernard Łabno
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