On 11/2/07, James Neff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm kinda discouraged that I didn't get a response to my question.  It's
> hard to support open source tools when the community isn't there to help.
> I hacked at my problem yesterday and here's the work-around.
> I downloaded the axis2 plugin to do the stub Java code generation for
> me.  And that also was missing the function from the stub.
> I added a parameter to my service class and then the function appeared
> in the service stub.
> My question now is that does using Axis2 require an input parameter?  Is
> it possible to just have a Web Service which will just respond without
> having to have an input parameter?

is your new function is an out only one? Can you paste the operation in wsdl

if it is an out only one  then Axis2 stub does not generate a method for it?
if it is an out only one how can it send an request?


> Jim
> James Neff wrote:
> > Greetings,
> >
> > I added a function to an existing working axis2 web service.
> >
> > The new function works when I call it directly from my browser:
> >
> >
> http://appserver2:8080/axis2/services/DataLoaderService/GetProcessorStatus
> >
> >
> > I get the correct response:
> >
> > <ns:GetProcessorStatusResponse>
> > <ns:return>1</ns:return>
> > </ns:GetProcessorStatusResponse>
> >
> >
> > I tried using the following command to generate the service stub:
> >
> > /usr/share/axis2-1.3/bin/./wsdl2java.sh -uri
> > http://localhost:8080/axis2/services/DataLoaderService?wsdl -o .
> >
> > But the new function is not in the class file DataLoaderServiceStub.
> >
> > What am I doing wrong?
> >
> > Here is the wsdl:
> >
> > <wsdl:definitions targetNamespace="http://ws.apache.org/axis2";>
> > <wsdl:documentation>DataLoaderService</wsdl:documentation>
> > −
> > <wsdl:types>
> > −
> > <xs:schema attributeFormDefault="qualified"
> > elementFormDefault="qualified"
> > targetNamespace="http://ws.apache.org/axis2";>
> > −
> > <xs:element name="GetProcessorStatusResponse">
> > −
> > <xs:complexType>
> > −
> > <xs:sequence>
> > <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="return" type="xs:int"/>
> > </xs:sequence>
> > </xs:complexType>
> > </xs:element>
> > −
> > <xs:element name="GetRetrieverParameters">
> > −
> > <xs:complexType>
> > −
> > <xs:sequence>
> > <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="retrieverId" type="xs:int"/>
> > </xs:sequence>
> > </xs:complexType>
> > </xs:element>
> > −
> > <xs:element name="GetRetrieverParametersResponse">
> > −
> > <xs:complexType>
> > −
> > <xs:sequence>
> > <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="return" nillable="true"
> > type="xs:string"/>
> > </xs:sequence>
> > </xs:complexType>
> > </xs:element>
> > </xs:schema>
> > </wsdl:types>
> > −
> > <wsdl:message name="GetRetrieverParametersRequest">
> > <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="ns0:GetRetrieverParameters"/>
> > </wsdl:message>
> > −
> > <wsdl:message name="GetRetrieverParametersResponse">
> > <wsdl:part name="parameters"
> > element="ns0:GetRetrieverParametersResponse"/>
> > </wsdl:message>
> > <wsdl:message name="GetProcessorStatusRequest"/>
> > −
> > <wsdl:message name="GetProcessorStatusResponse">
> > <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="ns0:GetProcessorStatusResponse"/>
> > </wsdl:message>
> > −
> > <wsdl:portType name="DataLoaderServicePortType">
> > −
> > <wsdl:operation name="GetRetrieverParameters">
> > <wsdl:input message="ns0:GetRetrieverParametersRequest"
> > wsaw:Action="urn:GetRetrieverParameters"/>
> > <wsdl:output message="ns0:GetRetrieverParametersResponse"
> > wsaw:Action="urn:GetRetrieverParametersResponse"/>
> > </wsdl:operation>
> > −
> > <wsdl:operation name="GetProcessorStatus">
> > <wsdl:input message="ns0:GetProcessorStatusRequest"
> > wsaw:Action="urn:GetProcessorStatus"/>
> > <wsdl:output message="ns0:GetProcessorStatusResponse"
> > wsaw:Action="urn:GetProcessorStatusResponse"/>
> > </wsdl:operation>
> > </wsdl:portType>
> > −
> > <wsdl:binding name="DataLoaderServiceSOAP11Binding"
> > type="ns0:DataLoaderServicePortType">
> > <soap:binding transport="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http";
> > style="document"/>
> > −
> > <wsdl:operation name="GetRetrieverParameters">
> > <soap:operation soapAction="urn:GetRetrieverParameters"
> > style="document"/>
> > −
> > <wsdl:input>
> > <soap:body use="literal"/>
> > </wsdl:input>
> > −
> > <wsdl:output>
> > <soap:body use="literal"/>
> > </wsdl:output>
> > </wsdl:operation>
> > −
> > <wsdl:operation name="GetProcessorStatus">
> > <soap:operation soapAction="urn:GetProcessorStatus" style="document"/>
> > −
> > <wsdl:input>
> > <soap:body use="literal"/>
> > </wsdl:input>
> > −
> > <wsdl:output>
> > <soap:body use="literal"/>
> > </wsdl:output>
> > </wsdl:operation>
> > </wsdl:binding>
> > −
> > <wsdl:binding name="DataLoaderServiceSOAP12Binding"
> > type="ns0:DataLoaderServicePortType">
> > <soap12:binding transport="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http";
> > style="document"/>
> > −
> > <wsdl:operation name="GetRetrieverParameters">
> > <soap12:operation soapAction="urn:GetRetrieverParameters"
> > style="document"/>
> > −
> > <wsdl:input>
> > <soap12:body use="literal"/>
> > </wsdl:input>
> > −
> > <wsdl:output>
> > <soap12:body use="literal"/>
> > </wsdl:output>
> > </wsdl:operation>
> > −
> > <wsdl:operation name="GetProcessorStatus">
> > <soap12:operation soapAction="urn:GetProcessorStatus" style="document"/>
> > −
> > <wsdl:input>
> > <soap12:body use="literal"/>
> > </wsdl:input>
> > −
> > <wsdl:output>
> > <soap12:body use="literal"/>
> > </wsdl:output>
> > </wsdl:operation>
> > </wsdl:binding>
> > −
> > <wsdl:binding name="DataLoaderServiceHttpBinding"
> > type="ns0:DataLoaderServicePortType">
> > <http:binding verb="POST"/>
> > −
> > <wsdl:operation name="GetRetrieverParameters">
> > <http:operation location="DataLoaderService/GetRetrieverParameters"/>
> > −
> > <wsdl:input>
> > <mime:content type="text/xml" part="GetRetrieverParameters"/>
> > </wsdl:input>
> > −
> > <wsdl:output>
> > <mime:content type="text/xml" part="GetRetrieverParameters"/>
> > </wsdl:output>
> > </wsdl:operation>
> > −
> > <wsdl:operation name="GetProcessorStatus">
> > <http:operation location="DataLoaderService/GetProcessorStatus"/>
> > −
> > <wsdl:input>
> > <mime:content type="text/xml" part="GetProcessorStatus"/>
> > </wsdl:input>
> > −
> > <wsdl:output>
> > <mime:content type="text/xml" part="GetProcessorStatus"/>
> > </wsdl:output>
> > </wsdl:operation>
> > </wsdl:binding>
> > −
> > <wsdl:service name="DataLoaderService">
> > −
> > <wsdl:port name="DataLoaderServiceSOAP11port_http"
> > binding="ns0:DataLoaderServiceSOAP11Binding">
> > <soap:address
> > location="http://appserver2:8080/axis2/services/DataLoaderService"/>
> > </wsdl:port>
> > −
> > <wsdl:port name="DataLoaderServiceSOAP12port_http"
> > binding="ns0:DataLoaderServiceSOAP12Binding">
> > <soap12:address
> > location="http://appserver2:8080/axis2/services/DataLoaderService"/>
> > </wsdl:port>
> > −
> > <wsdl:port name="DataLoaderServiceHttpport"
> > binding="ns0:DataLoaderServiceHttpBinding">
> > <http:address
> > location="http://appserver2:8080/axis2/services/DataLoaderService"/>
> > </wsdl:port>
> > </wsdl:service>
> > </wsdl:definitions>
> >
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Amila Suriarachchi,
WSO2 Inc.

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