Inviting version mismatch to mix other jars in like that as Axis has a snapshot 
of all jars and their specific version 
dependenciesMartin______________________________________________Disclaimer and 
confidentiality noteEverything in this e-mail and any attachments relates to 
the official business of Sender. This transmission is of a confidential nature 
and Sender does not endorse distribution to any party other than intended 
recipient. Sender does not necessarily endorse content contained within this 

Subject: RE: CXF Mtom service and Axis2 Axiom client (FIX)Date: Mon, 5 Nov 2007 
10:51:53 -0500From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

I am using CXF 2.0.2 and used all of the jar files that come with that version. 
Since I started with CXF these jars were "ahead" of any comparable Axis2 jars 
in my project classpath. 
Let me know if you still want the list. 
Mike Barlotta
Booz | Allen | Hamilton

From: Martin Gainty [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thursday, November 02, 2000 
5:13 PMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Re: CXF Mtom service and Axis2 Axiom client (FIX)

not sure what you mean by *painful*
if you have a better algorithm which better identifies either version 
mismatching and or duplicate scenarios we should look at it
When you get a chance could you provide us a quick listing of the CXF Jars that 
caused the errorI'm thinking we should update the AXIS FAQ..
Thanks MikeMartin

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Hu, Mary - ITG 
Sent: Friday, November 02, 2007 11:40 AM
Subject: RE: CXF Mtom service and Axis2 Axiom client (FIX)

I’ve just gone through those conflict jars issues. It was really painful in XML 

From: Barlotta, Michael [USA] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Friday, November 
02, 2007 12:33 PMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: RE: CXF Mtom service and Axis2 Axiom 
client (FIX)
I finally got it working. turns out it is a classpath issue.
I have CXF and Axis2 in the same eclipse project and Java WS clients written 
with both frameworks.
I moved the Axis2 WS Client to its own project and now it works. 
I am not sure why when the CXF and JAR dependencies and Axis2 and JAR 
dependencies are in the classpath that the behavior results in "hanging" the 
Axis2 client but that seemed to be the case. 
Mike Barlotta
Booz | Allen | Hamilton


From: Walker, Jeff [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Friday, November 02, 2007 
12:03 PMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: RE: CXF Mtom service and Axis2 Axiom client
Then I leave you with the problem Mike, since I am not an Axis2 guru.
Final suggestions: 
1. Build a CXF client. Does the problem still exist? (I'd do this first to 
prove the CXF service is behaving properly as an MTOM server).
2. Then debug the Axis2 client src to see if it behaves the same way as the CXF 
3. There is a CXF mailing list. They might be able to help.


From: Barlotta, Michael [USA] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Friday, November 
02, 2007 11:28 AMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: RE: CXF Mtom service and Axis2 Axiom 
Thanks Jeff, the problem occurs with & w/o tcpmon... I am just using that to 
I have used the image (2kb) with CXF client through tcpmon w/o issues. 
I am using the tcpmon that comes with Axis1 version 1.4
Mike Barlotta
Booz | Allen | Hamilton


From: Walker, Jeff [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Friday, November 02, 2007 
11:13 AMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: RE: CXF Mtom service and Axis2 Axiom client
I don't know the exact answer to your question,
but a previous poster ( few days back) hinted at the fact that Apache's older 
tcpmon is not always an effective tool to use to debug an MTOM service. I think 
it was because tcpmon has limited buffering capabilities. (It might not be 
passing the complete stream back to your Axis2 client). Suggest if you wish to 
continue using tcpmon with MTOM, make the attachment very small to help out 
(Where did you get tcpmon from? I use the older Axis 1.4 and that has tcpmon, 
but I don't think Axis2 has tcpmon in its distribution, does it? Try using 
Axis2's soapmonitor, you might have better luck).

From: Barlotta, Michael [USA] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Friday, November 
02, 2007 10:31 AMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: CXF Mtom service and Axis2 Axiom client

I have written a simple CXF WebService using MTOM as a proof of concept for 
future work.

I have successfully written a CXF WS client, however I am now writing an Axis2 
WS client and am having some trouble and was hoping someone could give some 
pointers. I am using Java 1.5, Axis2 1.3, and CXF 2.0.2


I am using TCPMON to watch the SOAP requests and responses 

Axis2 --> TCPMON --> CXF Service


and here is what seems to be happening...

The request and response are successfully made (I see them both in TCPMON and 
both are using MIME/MTOM).

The Axis2 client (running as a Junit test in eclipse) hangs and CPU spikes to 

The State in TCPMON is Req and does not get set to Done


Let me know if any other information would be helpful


Here is my Axis2 client

 protected OMElement createPayload_SayHello(String nameText) throws IOException{
OMFactory factory = OMAbstractFactory.getOMFactory();OMNamespace namespace = 
factory.createOMNamespace("";, "ns1");OMElement root = 
factory.createOMElement("sayHello", namespace); OMElement arg0 = 
factory.createOMElement("arg0", null);root.addChild(arg0); OMElement name = 
null);name.setText(nameText);arg0.addChild(name); InputStream is = 
 baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();IOHelper.inputToOutput(is, baos);DataSource 
ds = new ByteArrayDataSource(baos.toByteArray(),"content/type");DataHandler dh 
= new DataHandler(ds);OMText binaryData = factory.createOMText(dh, true); 
OMElement bd = factory.createOMElement("binaryData", 
null);bd.addChild(binaryData);arg0.addChild(bd);return root;}

 public void test_WS_sayHello(){
try {ServiceClient sc = new ServiceClient();Options opts = new 
 Constants.VALUE_TRUE);sc.setOptions(opts); OMElement requestElement = 
this.createPayload_SayHello("Axis2");OMElement responseElement = 
sc.sendReceive(requestElement);System.out.println("Response: " + 
 returnElement = 
 String responseXml = 
Axis2",responseXml);} catch (AxisFault e) 
{System.out.println(e.getMessage());fail("Unexpected AxisFault");}catch 
(IOException e) {System.out.println(e.getMessage());fail("Unexpected 



Mike Barlotta
Booz | Allen | Hamilton


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