can you send your wsdl or a sample wsdl to show the problem?


> Hi all,
> I'm generating code from a WSDL using
> org.apache.axis2.tool.ant.AntCodegenTask
> In my WSDL, the service definition looks like this:
>   <wsdl:service name="someService">
>     <wsdl:documentation>Blabla</wsdl:documentation>
>     <wsdl:port name="someServiceSoap" binding="myns:someServiceSoap">
>       <soap:address
>         location="http://localhost:8080/jarname/services/some"; />
>     </wsdl:port>
>   </wsdl:service>
> Note that the port name and binding name are the same. This works fine
> for Axis 1 and JAX-WS RI, but Axis2 generates two classes, one for the
> port type (interface describing the port) and one for the binding
> (utility for calling an instance).
> Problem is, one of these classes overwrites the other one! So that the
> other one, overwritten, is missing in the generated package.
> I have several WSDL files in my project, some are editable but others
> are legacy, and I don't want to edit them. Plus, as I said, this works
> fine with other tools.
> Is there any way, possibly a bug fix or simply a configuration of the
> WSDL2Java (codegen) task, for a workaround? Perhaps to tell it to
> generate binding somewhere else?
> Thanks for any tips!
> Julien
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Amila Suriarachchi,
WSO2 Inc.

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