P. Asato wrote:
> I have generated my client stubs from a wsdl file and copied the package to
> my tomcat 
> WEBAPPS\axis2\WEB-INF\classes folder. 
> qn1: how do i compile these java files? i tried compiling and received alot
> of errors, 
> eg package javax.xml.stream does not exist
> did i copy to the wrong folder for compilation?
You may need to have those jars in your classpath.

I can give you a very cool way of doing that as well , This is not to to
market the product but I found that  this features is very useful.

First go to

Then click on WSDL2Code ,
next fill what ever necessary and preses the button generate.

Then it will generate a meven 2 project.

As the last step , if you are an IntelJ idea guy type >mvn idea:idea ,
if you are an eclipse guy type >mvn eclipse:eclipse   , then that will
generate the project with the dependencies. So you do not need to worry
about anything.
> qn2: after compiling, how do i reference the stub using a jsp?

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