Hello all!
I have a question about message receivers.

Suppose I have a WSDL with just an in & out operation, whose input and output parameters eventually are simple types.

Suppose I want to generate the Java code using WSDL2Java, with the unwrapping option (-uw).

For the server-side, WSDL2Java creates a specialized message receiver for the service. But, as long as I understood it correctly, because of the fact that the only operation in the service uses simple types (strings, ints, etc.), I should be able to use an RPCMessageReceiver... at last, this is what I find in services.xml if I write equivalent code and follow the POJO guide in Axis2 documentation...

So, am I correct? Is there any advantage or drawback on using RPCMessageReceiver when working with operations with just simple types involved instead of the "customized" message receivers generated by WSDL2Java?

Thanks in advance.

Mauro Molinari
Software Developer

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