
So I just have to wait for the repackaging :)
Personnaly I would prefer 2 light packages (client and server) and a
repository for optional libs with a good description. The
axis-optional.jarwill still contain many jars not needed, especially
if I just need one of
them ;)

Anyway, let's wait and see!


2007/11/20, Lawrence Mandel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> There have been many such discussions on the user and dev lists. (I
> started one as well [1].) There was a good discussion a few weeks ago on
> the Axis dev list (for the record I'm not an Axis committer) and the
> agreed outcome was that Axis2 should be repackaged into server, client,
> and optional packages to help users better understand what they need. The
> conversation also helped trim the fat identifying some packages that can
> be removed. See [2] for a post somewhere in the middle of the
> conversation.
> [1]
> [2]
> Lawrence
> "Michael Bernagou" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> 11/20/2007 05:47 AM
> Please respond to
> To
> cc
> Subject
> Minimum Library Requirement?
> Hi everybody,
> I have a question about the libraries. I have a little number of services
> using AXIOM but there so many libraries that my application is huge
> compare with the little ko for the code.
> In fact I develop a Client (GUI Swing application) that use axis2 to call
> some services to a server.
> My method is quite simple :
> public static MainUser getAuthenticatedUser(String login, char[] password)
> throws PapoException {
>        EndpointReference targetEPR = new EndpointReference(baseUrl +
> CoreVariables.USER_WEBSERVICE);
>        OMFactory fac = OMAbstractFactory.getOMFactory();
>        OMNamespace omNs = fac.createOMNamespace("
> http://webservices.papo/xsd";, "tns");
>        OMElement method = fac.createOMElement("getAuthenticatedUser",
> omNs);
>        OMElement loginElement = fac.createOMElement("login", omNs);
>        loginElement.addChild(fac.createOMText(loginElement, login));
>        method.addChild(loginElement);
>        OMElement passwordElement = fac.createOMElement("password", omNs);
>        passwordElement.addChild (fac.createOMText(passwordElement, new
> String(password)));
>        method.addChild(passwordElement);
>        Options options = new Options();
>        options.setTo(targetEPR);
>        options.setTransportInProtocol (Constants.TRANSPORT_HTTP);
>        try {
>            ServiceClient sender = new ServiceClient();
>            sender.setOptions(options);
>            OMElement result = sender.sendReceive(method);
>            OMElement firstElement = result.getFirstElement();
>            if(firstElement.getLocalName().equals("message")) {
>                throw new PapoException(firstElement.getText());
>            }
>            else {
>                loginElement = firstElement;
>                login = loginElement.getText();
>                OMElement firstNameElement =
> (OMElement)loginElement
> .getNextOMSibling();
>                String firstName = firstNameElement.getText ();
>                OMElement lastNameElement =
> (OMElement)firstElement.getNextOMSibling();
>                String lastName = lastNameElement.getText();
>                OMElement emailElement =
> (OMElement)lastNameElement.getNextOMSibling();
>                String email = emailElement.getText();
>                MainUser user = new MainUser(login);
>                user.setFirstName(firstName);
>                user.setLastName(lastName);
>                 user.setEmail(email);
>                return user;
>            }
>        }
>        catch (AxisFault af) {
>            af.printStackTrace();
>            throw new PapoException("The call to the service has failed
> !!",
> af);
>        }
>    }
> What are the minimal list of library to make this run. At the moment I put
> all the libraries, and try to delete one by one the jar to see what is
> needed, but, I still have something like 15 jars... just for this piece of
> code :(
> At the server side, it is less important but still huge compare with the
> code...
> --
> Michael Bernagou
> Java Developper
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Michael Bernagou
Java Developper

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