there is no xmlbeans databinding available for c.
The only databindng available for c is ADB (default).
Please report this to


On Nov 20, 2007 12:21 AM, Lingjia Yang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to use WSDL2C (from axis2-1.3) to generate client stubs
> with xmlbeans databinding.
> I started with the simple wsdl in
> <axis2c-src-1.1.0>\samples\codegen\databinding\Calculator.wsdl.
> $ ~/tools/axis2/axis2-1.3/bin/ org.apache.axis2.wsdl.WSDL2C -uri 
> Calcul
> ator.wsdl  -d xmlbeans
> It created 2 directories: src and resources.
> In the src directory, it only has 2 C files: axis2_stub_Calculator.c
> axis2_stub_Calculator.h.
> The axis2_stub_Calculator.h includes files that are not generated.
>         #include "adb_localhost.axis.calculator.DivResponseDocument.h"
>         #include "adb_localhost.axis.calculator.DivDocument.h"
>         #include "adb_localhost.axis.calculator.MulResponseDocument.h"
>         #include "adb_localhost.axis.calculator.MulDocument.h"
>         #include "adb_localhost.axis.calculator.AddResponseDocument.h"
>         #include "adb_localhost.axis.calculator.AddDocument.h"
>         #include "adb_localhost.axis.calculator.SubResponseDocument.h"
>         #include "adb_localhost.axis.calculator.SubDocument.h"
> All the files under 'localhost' and 'org' directroies are java files.
> I tried to specify the language using '-l c'  but it didn't help.
> I have also tried with '-d adb -u' and the code  generator works fine.
> Thanks in advance for the help!
> Lingjia
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Amila Suriarachchi,
WSO2 Inc.

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