Hello Apache-Axis User,


I am writing my diploma thesis about the integration of the Oracle Process 
Manager into a J2EE environment in order to use the BPEL advantages.


Now I have a problem and I am not able to solve this. I use Axis 1.4 as web 
service framework on a WebSphere application server. 

I can invoke every web service without having problems. But when the web 
service includes a DTO object as return value, I get the following error 




- <input>

- <Invoke_1_reserveCar_InputVariable>

- <part xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"; name="in0">

- <in0 xmlns="" xmlns:def="urn:TravelBooking" xsi:type="def:CarReservationDTO" 




















- <fault>

- <remoteFault xmlns="http://schemas.oracle.com/bpel/extension";>

- <part name="summary">


exception on JaxRpc invoke: trailing block elements must have an id attribute








I guess, this is a Axis problem because Axis does not support 
minOccurs/maxOccurs on <xsd:sequence> elements right now.

Using the internal web service implementation of WebSphere raises no exception 
and everything works fine.


Have you got any suggestion to solve this problem?


Thank you very much.


Kind regards,

Sven Mehliß



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