

I've developed webservices using Axis2 1.3 version.


The way my webservices work is the user first need to login using
username & password.  This login method returns a sessionId.  Then the
user can call the subsequent webservices APIs by passing the sessionId
in the SOAP Header, and after everything is done, the user needs to
logout (using the logout webservices API).



Is there any tool that can monitor webservice calls? OR I should write
my own module to do this?


In case of my webservices I need to know the following things.


For a given start and end date

- What customers are using the WS API (creating sessions)? What
accounts? What users? What pod?

- How frequently are they using it? Number of sessions over period?

- When are they using? Session start and end times 

- What are they doing within the WS API session? 

- What calls are they making?

- How many times to they call each method within a session?

- What are the input parameters to each call?

- Were any exceptions returned? If so what ones?




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