I solved the problem with:
Options options = stub._getServiceClient().getOptions();
options.setProperty(HTTPConstants.REUSE_HTTP_CLIENT, Boolean.TRUE);
> Date: Thu, 29 Nov 2007 11:15:42 +0530> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: 
> axis-user@ws.apache.org> Subject: Re: [Axis2] BindException calling 
> RPCServiceClient very frequently> > Marc Nädele wrote:> > Hi all,> >> > I am 
> now searching for a solution to this problem for many weeks without success.> 
> >> > I have a very simple RPCServiceClient similar to the one described in 
> the Axis2 POJO Web Services example [1]. If I call this client very 
> frequently in a loop (e.g. 5000 times) I eventually get a BindException when 
> calling the service. Client OS is Windows XP SP2. Axis2 version is 1.3.> >> > 
> In the meanwhile I know that the sockets used for the connections are not 
> closed fast enough and if the maximum user sockets under Windows of 5000 is 
> reached I get those exceptions.> >> > >From the threads in this mailing list 
> ([2] and [3]) I already got a good understanding about the cause of the 
> problem and what the solution for an asynchronous web service (as described 
> in the JIRA issue #2593 [4]) can be.> >> > But I am not able to transfer this 
> knowledge to my RPCServiceClient. All attempts I made failed. The proposed 
> solution desribed in [4] using the AsyncService2Test.java test case as an 
> example seems not to work for a RPCServiceClient . So is it not possible to 
> get a solution for a RPCServiceClient?> >> > Does anyone have an idea how I 
> can solve this problem for a RPCServiceClient? Any hints are welcome!> > > 
> Did you try client.cleanupTransport() ?> > Thanks> Deepal> > > 
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