How about WEB-INF/classes?



-----Original Message-----
Sent: Monday, December 03, 2007 11:49 AM
Subject: POJO Classpath Question


I am trying to implement a simple encryption service using POJOs in Tomcat.
I use an encryption package that is supplied to me as a jar.  This encryption
package requires that a keystore file of a specified name be found on the
classpath.  I've tried putting this file in all sorts of likely places
(Tomcat\lib, axis2\web-inf\lib, axis2\web-info\services, jarred up in the
.aar) but to no avail.  Can anyone tell me where I can put a resource to be
found via a classpath search from within the POJO?  Actually from within a
dependent jar?  Is there a way to add to the classpath for a POJO?

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