That did the trick! 



PS,time for an update :,
org.apache.axis2.engine.AxisConfiguration, java.util.Map, java.lang.String,
java.lang.String, java.lang.ClassLoader)

Upul Godage wrote:

> Try it with,
>     mrMap.put("";,
>         RPCInOnlyMessageReceiver.class.newInstance());
>     mrMap.put("";, RPCMessageReceiver.class
>         .newInstance());
> Upul
> On Dec 5, 2007 1:32 PM, Bastiaan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I'd like to run axis2 embedded in a java program, and decided to do some
>> tests.
>> Running this application gives me the following log4j messages:
>>  Required MessageReceiver couldn't be found, thus, default
>>  MessageReceiver
>> has
>> been used
>> Listening on port 8080
>> sending a soap request gives (without much surprise) an exception,
>> stating:
>> Message Receiver not found for AxisOperation: echo
>> Browsing through the various api's (seems like the syntax of
>> 'createservice'
>> is changed recently, lots of outdated docs on the net) doesn't give me
>> much
>> options.
>> I found out that the exception is thrown if there is no entry in the
>> 'mrMap'
>> (see code below) for the right mep.
>> messageReceiverClassMap.get(mep) == null
>> so my guess is, i dont use the right key in the Map, the docs give me
>> exactly
>> these values, and i couldn't find any more information.
>> Thanks in advance,
>>  Bas
>> Here is some code:
>> package test;
>> import java.util.HashMap;
>> import java.util.Map;
>> import org.apache.axis2.context.ConfigurationContext;
>> import org.apache.axis2.context.ConfigurationContextFactory;
>> import org.apache.axis2.description.AxisService;
>> import org.apache.axis2.rpc.receivers.RPCInOnlyMessageReceiver;
>> import org.apache.axis2.rpc.receivers.RPCMessageReceiver;
>> import org.apache.axis2.transport.http.SimpleHTTPServer;
>> public class Test {
>>         public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
>>                ConfigurationContext context =
>>                ConfigurationContextFactory.
>>                createConfigurationContextFromFileSystem(null, null); Map
>>                mrMap = new HashMap();
>>                mrMap.put("";,
>> RPCInOnlyMessageReceiver.class.newInstance());
>>                mrMap.put("";,
>> RPCMessageReceiver.class.newInstance());
>>                AxisService service =
>>                AxisService.createService(Echo.class.getName(),
>> context.getAxisConfiguration(),
>> mrMap, "";, "";,
>> ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader());
>>                context.getAxisConfiguration().addService(service);
>>                SimpleHTTPServer server = new SimpleHTTPServer(context,
>> 8080);
>>                server.start();
>>            }
>> }
>> =======================
>> package test;
>> public class Echo {
>>    public String echo(String in) {
>>        return in;
>>    }
>> }
>> =======================
>> the wsdl generated:
>> <wsdl:definitions targetNamespace="";>
>> ?
>>        <wsdl:types>
>> ?
>>        <xs:schema attributeFormDefault="qualified"
>> elementFormDefault="unqualified"
>> targetNamespace="";>
>> ?
>>        <xs:element name="echo">
>> ?
>>        <xs:complexType>
>> ?
>>        <xs:sequence>
>> <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="in" nillable="true" type="xs:string"/>
>> </xs:sequence>
>> </xs:complexType>
>> </xs:element>
>> ?
>>        <xs:element name="echoResponse">
>> ?
>>        <xs:complexType>
>> ?
>>        <xs:sequence>
>> <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="return" nillable="true"
>> type="xs:string"/> </xs:sequence>
>> </xs:complexType>
>> </xs:element>
>> </xs:schema>
>> </wsdl:types>
>> ?
>>        <wsdl:message name="echoRequest">
>> <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="ns0:echo"/>
>> </wsdl:message>
>> ?
>>        <wsdl:message name="echoResponse">
>> <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="ns0:echoResponse"/>
>> </wsdl:message>
>> ?
>>        <wsdl:portType name="EchoPortType">
>> ?
>>        <wsdl:operation name="echo">
>> <wsdl:input message="axis2:echoRequest" wsaw:Action="urn:echo"/>
>> <wsdl:output message="axis2:echoResponse"
>> wsaw:Action="urn:echoResponse"/> </wsdl:operation>
>> </wsdl:portType>
>> ?
>>        <wsdl:binding name="EchoSOAP11Binding" type="axis2:EchoPortType">
>> <soap:binding transport="";
>> style="document"/>
>> ?
>>        <wsdl:operation name="echo">
>> <soap:operation soapAction="urn:echo" style="document"/>
>> ?
>>        <wsdl:input>
>> <soap:body use="literal"/>
>> </wsdl:input>
>> ?
>>        <wsdl:output>
>> <soap:body use="literal"/>
>> </wsdl:output>
>> </wsdl:operation>
>> </wsdl:binding>
>> ?
>>        <wsdl:binding name="EchoSOAP12Binding" type="axis2:EchoPortType">
>> <soap12:binding transport="";
>> style="document"/>
>> ?
>>        <wsdl:operation name="echo">
>> <soap12:operation soapAction="urn:echo" style="document"/>
>> ?
>>        <wsdl:input>
>> <soap12:body use="literal"/>
>> </wsdl:input>
>> ?
>>        <wsdl:output>
>> <soap12:body use="literal"/>
>> </wsdl:output>
>> </wsdl:operation>
>> </wsdl:binding>
>> ?
>>        <wsdl:binding name="EchoHttpBinding" type="axis2:EchoPortType">
>> <http:binding verb="POST"/>
>> ?
>>        <wsdl:operation name="echo">
>> <http:operation location="Echo/echo"/>
>> ?
>>        <wsdl:input>
>> <mime:content type="text/xml" part="echo"/>
>> </wsdl:input>
>> ?
>>        <wsdl:output>
>> <mime:content type="text/xml" part="echo"/>
>> </wsdl:output>
>> </wsdl:operation>
>> </wsdl:binding>
>> ?
>>        <wsdl:service name="Echo">
>> ?
>>        <wsdl:port name="EchoSOAP11port_http"
>> binding="axis2:EchoSOAP11Binding">
>> <soap:address location="http://localhost:8080/axis2/services/Echo"/>
>> </wsdl:port>
>> ?
>>        <wsdl:port name="EchoSOAP12port_http"
>> binding="axis2:EchoSOAP12Binding">
>> <soap12:address location="http://localhost:8080/axis2/services/Echo"/>
>> </wsdl:port>
>> ?
>>        <wsdl:port name="EchoHttpport" binding="axis2:EchoHttpBinding">
>> <http:address location="http://localhost:8080/axis2/services/Echo"/>
>> </wsdl:port>
>> </wsdl:service>
>> </wsdl:definitions>
>> ======================
>> request:
>> <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="";>
>>   <soap:Header/>
>>   <soap:Body>
>>      <test:echo>
>>         <!--Optional:-->
>>         <in>?</in>
>>      </test:echo>
>>   </soap:Body>
>> </soap:Envelope>
>> response:
>> <soapenv:Envelope
>> xmlns:soapenv="";>
>>   <soapenv:Body>
>>      <soapenv:Fault>
>>         <soapenv:Code>
>>            <soapenv:Value>soapenv:Receiver</soapenv:Value>
>>         </soapenv:Code>
>>         <soapenv:Reason>
>>            <soapenv:Text xml:lang="en-US">Message Receiver not found for
>> AxisOperation: echo</soapenv:Text>
>>         </soapenv:Reason>
>>         <soapenv:Detail>
>>            <Exception>org.apache.axis2.AxisFault: Message Receiver not
>> found
>> for AxisOperation: echo
>>        at org.apache.axis2.engine.AxisEngine.receive(
>>        at
>>        at
>> org.apache.axis2.transport.http.HTTPWorker.service(
>>        at
>> org.apache.axis2.transport.http.server.AxisHttpService.doService(
>>        at
>> org.apache.axis2.transport.http.server.AxisHttpService.handleRequest(
>>        at
>>        at
>> (
>>        at
>> (
>>        at</Exception>
>>         </soapenv:Detail>
>>      </soapenv:Fault>
>>   </soapenv:Body>
>> </soapenv:Envelope>
>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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