I've not found any way to customize the ?wsdl processing except by
extending AxisServlet and overriding its doGet method.  If you do
this, you'll need to modiy the servlet mapping in web.xml for the
webapp containing axis.

In axis1, ?wsdl generation was carried out by a handler specified in
the config file -- you could provide a different handler to do
something special.


On 12/10/07, Davy Toch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> We have a WSDL containing one doc/lit operation. References to the XSD's
> are defined in <types> using <xs:include>.
> This WSDL is stored as such in our SCM (e.g. CVS), as well as the
> referenced XSD's. The fact that the XSD's are separate files makes XSD
> authoring easier for us.
> However, when the WSDL is published as an Axis2 webservice WSDL (so
> available through http://.../services/TestService?wsdl), we want the
> xs:include to be replaced by the actual content when published.
> The reason why we don't want xs:include in the published WSDL
> - it avoids the necessity to have the XSD's in the directory where the
> J2EE container JVM was started
> - it avoids a hassle for clients that want to generate the stubs based
> on the published WSDL (http://.../services/TestService?wsdl), because
> each client (Axis1, Axis2, WebLogic8.1 client, .NET 2.0, ...) seems to
> interpret the schemaLocation attribute of <xs:include> differently
> Is there a way in Axis2 to have an on-the-fly transformation of the
> xs:include references to the actual content of the XSD's in our WSDL? I
> suppose this should be done during WSDL2Java or one of the other Axis2
> ANT tasks. If it's not available as a standard feature, is there an
> AXIS2 API that we could extend/override to get the behaviour we want?
> Best regards,
> Davy Toch
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