I have a problem trying to use the BeanDeserializer outside of the standard SOAP message processing. I wonder if this is possible.

I have an object that is normally transmitted via Web Services that I want to persist as an XML file, and then re-use it at a later date as an Object. This Object was generated with WSDL2Java, and has both a getSerializer() and a getDeserializer() method.

I can serialize the Object to XML easily like this:

      StringWriter output = new StringWriter();
      QName qn = new QName("urn...","Item");
Serializer serial = Item.getSerializer(Constants.AXIS_SAX, Item.class, item);
      SerializationContext ctx = new SerializationContext(output);
      Attributes attribs = new AttributesImpl();
      serial.serialize(qn , attribs, item, ctx);
      return output.toString();

What I cannot figure out how to do is deserialize the XML back to the Object.

I've seen this question asked a couple of times in the archives, but never any answer.

Any suggestions most welcome


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