Gaurav Lall wrote:

I tried with wsdl2java from the nightly build and am getting the response close to what I had in axis 1, I modified the generated code in the receiver to set xmlOptions.setSaveAggressiveNamespaces() in the receiver class to group the namespaces used to single one. I am not sure as to why the xsi:type is not coming same as what it was coming from the axis1 response.
Thanks Amila for pointing this out .
I have question is if we need to use xml bean serilazion in axis2, what is the suggested way of going about it as this feature is not part of axis2 formal release till now ? Please let me know

Thanks for replying
Please find attached the wsdl file, the wsdl does include lot of schemas(which are not public )which I can not include, Please let me know what you think

If you think I need to provide the schema's too then I will work on creating an example for that

Anne Thomas Manes wrote:
Can you provide the WSDL?

On Jan 11, 2008 1:27 PM, gaurav lall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I tried it with nightly build , I still get the same problem . Please let me
kniow if I need to run the wsdl2java again (did not do that )
Also to give u some more context
for axis 1 (though i was not involved) there was some code added to update
the namespace mapping in the SOAP envelope    SOAPEnvelope responseEnvelope
= msgContext.getResponseMessage().getSOAPEnvelope();

            // Update Name Space Mappings
NSStack nss = new NSStack();
nss.add( "";, "ent");
nss.add(""; , "tns");
As per my understanding this causes the axis 1 to send desired response . Is
there something which can be done with Axis 2.

Also if you note below in Axis2 response its using default namespaces we
would want the response to be same as axis1 , is there something similar in
axis 2 specificaly with regards to org.apache.axiom.soap.SOAPEnvelope ?


On 1/10/08, Gaurav Lall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi Amila

Thanks will try with nightly build and let you know. Just want to check
with you not sure how the nightly works   should i  be taking the build
which is out there with modified date 10-Jan-2008 11:50 ( or do i need to wait for the
build to happen

Amila Suriarachchi wrote:
can you please try with a nighly build. Now axis2 directly use the
xmlbeans serialization.

On Jan 9, 2008 1:16 PM, Gaurav Lall < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi all ,

We are doing migration to axis2 from axis1, we are using xmlnbeans as
data binding. mechanism.I am using  axis 2 version 1.3
We are observing difference in the responses

there is no xsi:type coming out for the response
Also the namespaces are coming for each element in axis 2 response ? I
would idealy like to use the prefixes to reduce the size of the payload
Is there a configuration parameter which controls the emission of
Any direction or pointers would be of great help ?

-------------------AXIS 1



</off:categoryType >

  <ent:description xsi:type="xs:string">ODU Selection </ent:description>
<productCategory xmlns=
  <controlType xmlns=
  <categoryType xmlns=
  <categoryName xmlns=
  <description xmlns= "";>A La Carte
Thanks for the help

Amila Suriarachchi,
WSO2 Inc.

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