Hello Matt,

Please see my comments below,

On Jan 11, 2008 10:43 AM, Matthew Fadoul <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  Hello all,
> I've been creating web services based on WSDL files, using Eclipse's "Web
> Service" wizard and deploying on Axis2 without much difficulty.

> At first, I tested my services by using the Web Services Explorer within
> Eclipse.
> Now, I'd like to build my own client to access the web services sitting in
> my Tomcat6/Axis2 server.  Looking over the "Web Service Client" wizard's
> documentation, it appears that this wizard should be able to automatically
> generate JSP as a test-client.  Unfortunately, I can't seem to access this
> functionality.
> So my questions:
> 1) Has the functionality been deprecated?
Nop this is yet to implement, Its in the list of the improvements ..

> 2) Is there something that would cause this functionality (i.e. generating
> a JSP test client) to be unavailable?

> 3) Is this functionality only available on Axis1 (I'm using Axis2), or
> would the version even be an issue on the client side?
look at 1)

>  4) Currently, I specify the client project to be an existing "Dynamic Web
> Project".  Is there another project type that I should be using?
> no DWP is the base for the ws projects .

> Side note: Aside from the wsdl2java and associated Eclipse "Web Service
> Client" wizard, are there any tutorials on building web clients that can
> interface with a web service?  I'd like to steer clear of proprietary (e.g.
> Microsoft) solutions, and stick with stuff like JSP, JavaScript, Java, PHP,
> etc.  Currently, I've got two books on the subject (ISBNs: 0672326418 and
> 0321396855), but they rely on the wsdl2java tool or the wizard mentioned
> above.
These will help you ..



Lahiru Sandakith

> Thanks!
> Matt

Lahiru Sandakith

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