
I'm fairly new, but learning every day. I'm writing a web service in Axis2 1.3. I'm getting an odd ClassCastException when I send a request to my web service. The odd thing is that it only occurs when the test tool (soapUI) I'm using formats the xml of the soap request. If I leave the content all on one line the error doesn't occur. I started

Working request:

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope"; xmlns:bat="http://service.ws.mgi.jax.org/xsd/batch"; xmlns:bt="http://service.ws.mgi.jax.org/xsd/batchType";>
<bat:batchRequest><bat:IDSet IDType="symbol"><bt:id>Trp53</bt:id></bat:IDSet></bat:batchRequest>

Broken request:

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope"; xmlns:bat="http://service.ws.mgi.jax.org/xsd/batch"; xmlns:bt="http://service.ws.mgi.jax.org/xsd/batchType";>
<bat:batchRequest><bat:IDSet IDType="symbol"><bt:id>Trp53</bt:id></bat:IDSet></bat:batchRequest>

Here is the code that is parsing the xml:

       for (Iterator iter = request.getChildElements(); iter.hasNext();) {
// get key and element requestElement = (OMElementImpl) iter.next(); key = requestElement.getLocalName(); // determine what argument type it is and load to args
           if (key.equals("IDSet")) {
               // this is a set if ids, get the id type and list of ids
               children = new HashSet();
               // get the ID type attribute from this arg
               QName attName = new QName("IDType");
               this.args.put("IDType", new String[]
               // get all children of IDSet, these are the input ids
for(Iterator it = requestElement.getChildren(); it.hasNext();){
                   child = (OMElementImpl) it.next();
                   if (!child.getText().trim().equals("")) {

Am I doing something incorrect in the way I am parsing with AXIOM? Do I need to filter the incoming request a certain way to get rid of control characters? I would not expect the formatting done by the test tool to insert illegal characters, so I am assuming I am making a newbie type of error.

Any help or suggestion is greatly appreciated.

Mark Airey

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