It's my fault for not having explained a bit more... I had thougth about making UML diagrams... I was just wondering if there were any other kind of diagram more useful for this purpose... thanks for your advice regarding this anyway...

I've read but there aren't many details like, for example, this issue with OMElement. Where could I find a deeper explanation about using Axis2 and it's databinding capabilities, and maybe more examples?

Thanks for your answers.

Philipp Leitner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

"1º The types are a bit too complex and I find sometimes lost"

You could use some kind of 'source code to class diagram' wizard to visualize your data structures after you have generated your stubs using wsdl2java (I think there is a good one as plugin for Ecipse). Or you could use a tool such as Altova XMLSpy to directly visualize your XSD files.

"2º In one of the xsd I have this definition:"

Your XSD file represents an xsd:anyType type. Basically that means that about everything can come along at this point in the Web service message. Axis2 has no way whatsoever of figuring out what this data will look like BEFORE it actually receives a request. That's bad news, because it means that you cannot cast it to a class. You have to directly deal with this data on XML (or more accurately, on AXIOM) level.

hth, philipp

Hi, I've just started a WS client and I chose axis2 because I had to do
a little web service server and client and I used axis 1.4 with no
troubles at all.

This is something a bit bigger, since I'm not at college anymore, and I
have two problems. I've been given a huge wsdl and two xsd files
defining some types used for the ws. I've used wsdl2java to generate
code (using adb bindings... I could switch to something a bit more
complex if there were any advantates regarding my current issues), but:

1º The types are a bit too complex and I find sometimes lost, not
knowing how to build a single object for a request... Do you make any
kind of diagrams when dealing with such a large hierarchy of types?

2º In one of the xsd I have this definition:
<complexType name="QueryExpressionType" mixed="true">
           <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
       <attribute name="queryLanguage" type="rim:referenceURI"

and the generated class QueryExpressionType has an attribute:

    * field for ExtraElement
   protected localExtraElement;

How can I cast this to the class representing the actual data in the

Thanks for your time.

I think I should add the files I mentioned before:

--- I omit the files in this reply because of the size of the message

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