In a web service service specifies the contract using the wsdl and schema.

*<xs:element name="retrieveCPUUtilization">
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="name" nillable="true" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="timeframe" nillable="true" type="xs:string

*Here it has mentioned the the element order as a sequence. So the request
*must* keep the order.

On Feb 14, 2008 9:10 AM, Upul Godage <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> XML Schema defines that the elements should be in that order with that
> complextype definition in the WSDL. I think, if it is not, then it is an
> error even if some tools do not care.
> Upul
> On Feb 13, 2008 6:29 AM, Ram Thakkalapalli (rthakkal) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> >  Should the client ensure the order of the elements inside the Soap
> > envelope?
> >
> > Ram
> >
> >  ------------------------------
> > *From:* Ram Thakkalapalli (rthakkal)
> > *Sent:* Tuesday, February 12, 2008 2:29 AM
> > *To:*
> > *Subject:* Axis2 1.3 -- Is ordering of elements madatory in SOAP BODY
> >
> >  Hello,
> >
> > Here is a Java API and generated  WSDL  snippet. Does the order of the
> > elements in WSDL is mandatory when constructing the SOAP envelope?
> > In my test setup, I have encountered that the order of the elements
> > seems to be mandatory? If Yes, Can we make the order optional and read the
> > values from element name instead of element index?
> >
> > Java Class Snippet:
> >
> > *public stats[]  retrieveCPUUtilization(String name, String timeframe )*
> > *{*
> > *return stats[];
> > }*
> >
> > WSDL snippet  :
> > *<xs:element name="retrieveCPUUtilization">
> >  <xs:complexType>
> >  <xs:sequence>
> > <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="name" nillable="true" type="xs:string"/>
> > <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="timeframe" nillable="true" type="
> > xs:string"/>
> > </xs:sequence>
> > </xs:complexType>
> > </xs:element>*
> >
> >
> > Scenario 1:
> > For the a SOAP request ( generated from WSDL2Java Utillity )of the
> > format below with the order of the paramters matching the Java API above,
> > the values are parsed correctly on the server side ( the java api sets name=
> > xy-server  and timeframe=hour )
> > *<soapenv:Body>*
> > *<retrieveCPUUtilization>*
> > *<xs:name>xy-server</xs:name>*
> > *<xs:timeframe>hour</xs:timeframe>*
> > *</retrieveCPUUtilization>*
> >  *</soapenv:Body>*
> > **
> >
> > Scenario 2 :
> >  For the a SOAP request ( generated using SOAPpy )of the format below
> > with the order of the paramters are NOT matching the Java API above, the
> > values are parsed INCORRECTLY on the server side( the Java API sets
> > name=hour, timeframe =xy-server )
> > *<soapenv:Body>*
> > *<retrieveCPUUtilization>*
> > *<xs:timeframe>hour</xs:timeframe>*
> > *<xs:name>xy-server</xs:name>*
> > *</retrieveCPUUtilization>*
> >  *</soapenv:Body>*
> > **
> > **
> > *Please let me know nif I am missing anything here.*
> > **
> > *Thanks*
> > *Ram*
> > **
> > **
> >

Amila Suriarachchi,
WSO2 Inc.

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