Hi Salam,
Can you please copy StockQuoteService class directory to Axis2_home/bin and try the following steps.

- Copy the generaed StockquoteService directory to AXIS2_HOME/bin (samples.quickstart.service.pojo.StockQuoteService)
- Issue java2wsdl from AXIS2_HOME/bin as follows
java2wsdl -cn samples.quickstart.service.pojo.StockQuoteService -cp . -of StockQuoteService.wsdl


root wrote:

I am new to Axis2 and trying to follow the quick start (POJO) tutorial.
I have setup everything correctly as I can browse
http://mymachine:8080/axis2/services and validate.

When I try to generate the wsdl using the following command

ant generate.wsdl, I get the following error :


I have the following parameters in my env J2RE_HOME=/opt/jdk1.5.0_14

I decided to build and compile the java class StockQuoteService, when I
run "javac StockQuoteService.java", I get a warning telling me to run javac
with  -Xlint:unchecked option. When I d so, I get the following
warning :
StockQuoteService.java:17: warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to
put(K,V) as a member of the raw type java.util.HashMap
       map.put(symbol, new Double(price));
1 warning

But I find StockQuoteService.class in my directory. Following the
istructions in the quick start to generate manually the wsdl, I run
java2wsdl.sh -cp . -cn samples.quickstart.service.pojo.StockQuoteService
-of StockQuoteService.wsdl

I get a differnet error as follows

An error occured while generating codejava.lang.ClassNotFoundException:

Thanks for your help

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