Hi guys,

I am trying to figure out, is it possible to dynamically update policies
that are to be applied to a service, without having to redeploy the service?
I am not familiar with axis2 well enough (obviously) so I guess I could be
missing sth. I saw the PolicyInclude object that seems to hold all the
policies of let's say an AxisService, I guess it could be updated, but I
couldn't figure out how to ensure synchronization with already invoked
services. Since the policy element could be used anywhere in the axis2
execution chain (accessible through the message context) I have to make sure
the service, that is to be updated, is not used at the time of the policy
update (for example deactivate/block future service calls -> wait for all
currently running invocations to terminate -> update the service -> activate
the service, however I also need not to loose any service invocation that
were requested during the time the service was inactive...). Is there a way
to check if/when is a web service invoked? I found some ContextListener but
it seems it only applies to the ConfigurationContext and not to the
MessageContext... Additionally if a service is requested in a transaction I
guess I should wait for the transaction to finish before updating the

Besides that I'm curious if the wsdl accessible through a "....?wsdl" get
request to the AxisServlet will have its policy definition updated
automatically, especially in the case of a user supplied wsdl.

Any ideas are welcome. I've been browsing the code base / mail archives for
hours now and I feel lost and desperate...

Best wishes!

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