Yes, I didn't show it, but my classes did have getters/setters, default public 
constructor, and basically obeyed the rules of a JavaBean.


From: Deepal Jayasinghe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Fri 2/29/2008 1:01 AM
Subject: Re: Nested return types from POJO web service method -shouldn't this 

> I have defined a POJO service which has a method which returns an
> object which contains fields that are nested non-simple objects.
> So given the *Pojo* class which implements *ReturnInfoObject*, the
> *InfoObj* object being returned contains a field *nest* which is
> defined by the *NestedObj* object.
> *public class Pojo*
> *{*
> *   public InfoObj ReturnInfoObject()*
> *   {*
> *      ...*
> *   }*
> *}*
> * *
> * *
> *public class InfoObj*
> *{*
> *    **private** java.lang.String val;*
> *    private NestedObj nest;*
> *}*
> * *
> *public class NestedObj*
> *{*
> *   private** java.lang.String nestedVal;*
> *}*
> When my client calls the deployed *Pojo* service, the *val* field of
> *InfoObj* shows up in the soap trace, but the *nest* field is empty,
> even when it has been correctly allocated on the service side.
Nope this can not be happen , however you need to remember that you
class should be JavaBean (need to have getters and settes). I have
tested this and working fine , in addition to that following link will
be helpful for you to understand about Axis2 POJO.

Thank you

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