
I presume you are comparing Axsi1 1.4 with Axis2 1.3.

I had also run into this earlier and here is what I understand - Axis1 followed 
the JAX-RPC (WSDL2Java) standard which required that methods throw 
RemoteException. Axis2 does not follow the Sun JAX-RPC spec. Secondly, it is 
better for webservices to throw user-defined custom exceptions defined in the 
WSDL rather than Java specific exceptions so that WSDL2Java on the client side 
and the server side knows the exception and can properly deserialize it into 
the corresponding object.

So it seems to me that this is by design and not a bug.

- Vish.

From: Virtual Light [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2008 10:58 AM
Subject: WSDL2JAVA code generation

I have noticed that with Axis2 1.3 that the code generated by the WSDL2JAVA 
eclipse plugin does not by default generate methods that throw RemoteException 
(ADB binding) as was the case with Axis 1.4.  Is this by design or is this a 
bug?  I had seen a similar post asking about this but there was no resolution.


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