
The wsdl works with ADB, with the exception of the 2 part declarations in a message declaration. I plan to enter a separte bug in JIRA for the jibx/soapheader, jibx/circular imports cases that you can look at (I'll provide the wsdl). And I plan to enter a separate JIRA bug for the xmlbeans circular imports case for the xmlbeans experts. Here are my results using ADB binding:

Test Case 1: adb binding: 2 parts in a message.
Results: org.apache.axis2.description.WSDL11ToAxisServiceBuilder$WSDLProcessingException: More than one part for message getPriceMessage

Test Case 2: adb binding: circular imports:
 Results: OK - NO ERRORS
Retrieving schema wsdl:imported from '../../../schema/StockQuoteA.xsd', relative to 'file:/C:/swdev/wsproto/quickstartadb/resources/META-INF/'. Retrieving schema at 'StockQuoteB.xsd', relative to 'file:/C:/swdev/wsproto/schema/StockQuoteA.xsd'. Retrieving schema at 'StockQuoteA.xsd', relative to 'file:/C:/swdev/wsproto/schema/StockQuoteB.xsd'. Retrieving schema wsdl:imported from '../../../schema/StockQuoteA.xsd', relative to 'file:/C:/swdev/wsproto/quickstartadb/resources/META-INF/'. Retrieving schema at 'StockQuoteB.xsd', relative to 'file:/C:/swdev/wsproto/schema/StockQuoteA.xsd'. Retrieving schema at 'StockQuoteA.xsd', relative to 'file:/C:/swdev/wsproto/schema/StockQuoteB.xsd'.

Test Case 3: soap header declaration:
 Results: OK - NO ERRORS


Dennis Sosnoski wrote:
Hi Jonathan,

Since you didn't provide the modified WSDL it's difficult to say what's going wrong with this. Does your WSDL work with ADB?

I gather you're using a header part, which probably has not been tested thoroughly. If you want to enter a Jira on this I'll take a look at the JiBX handling.

 - Dennis

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