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--- Begin Message ---
Dear All, 
I have implemented standalone service, which is listening on a specific 
port(80) using gSoap toolkit as the implementation of SOAP. I want to use 
keep-alive in order to connect to the service with a java client, using apache 
axis. the gSoap service supports keep-alive, since I have checked it with a C++ 
client. But Java client closes the connection, although I have made changes in 
the HTTP header to use HTTP 1.1 and Connection-Keep alive, as the following:
   org.apache.axis.client.Call _call = createCall();
        _call.setOperationName(new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", 
Hashtable headers = new Hashtable();
_call.setProperty("HTTP-Request-Headers", headers);

Is it even possible to use keep alive in that way? I am using Axis 1.4.
Thank you in advance

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--- End Message ---
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