We trimmed down the required deps through trial and error, meaning we
first included them all to make a working webservice and then we deleted
one by one every unnecessary dep after which we tested whether it still
worked or not. The complexity we had :
- we had to include our Axis2 war inside an EAR which also included
EJB's that also used the StaX API
- the EAR had to work on WebLogic 8.x (so we had to invert the Axis2

Our webservice is document/literal using XmlBeans as Java binding framework.

The following illustrates our EAR structure:

| MyEjb.jar
| stax-api-1.0.1.jar
| wstx-asl-3.2.1.jar
| \---WEB-INF
| | web.xml
| | weblogic.xml (!!! WAR CLASSLOADER INVERSED USING prefer-web-inf-classes)
| |
| +---conf
| | axis2.xml
| |
| +---lib
| | axiom-api-1.2.5.jar
| | axiom-impl-1.2.5.jar
| | axis2-kernel-1.3.jar
| | backport-util-concurrent-2.2.jar
| | commons-fileupload-1.1.1.jar
| | commons-httpclient-3.0.1.jar
| | jax-qname-1.5.jar (QName API part of stax-api)
| | neethi-2.0.2.jar
| | wsdl4j-1.6.2.jar
| | wstx-asl-3.2.1.jar
| | xbean-2.3.0.jar
| | XmlSchema-1.3.2.jar
| |
| \---services
| MyWebService.aar
| services.list

We especially had problems with the QName API included in the StaX API
jar : finally the solution was to put the StaX API jar only inside the
EAR root and to only include the QName API part of the StaX API in the
WAR (jax-qname.jar). Remark that we weren't allowed to put the StaX API
jar in the WebLogic 8.x system classpath, which would have made life
easier for us.

Best regards,
Davy Toch
Savitsky, Alex schreef:
Hi all,
What is the minimal set of JARs that is required to run the Axis2 service embedded in a webapp? Up until release 1.0, a "minimal" distribution was provided (with a reasonable size of 3.5 megs), but starting from 1.1, there's only "standard" and "WAR", both of them containing (or so it seems) the whole Axis distribution. I don't like the idea of including them all, as 60 JARs and 18.8 megs worth of libraries (some of them even "incubating" or "alpha" - good luck selling that to an architect...) could hardly be called "embeddable". So I'm looking for a more lightweight distribution - no admin front-end, no codegen and such, just the web services runtime.
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