I have been trying to get a working Flex 3 compatible Web Service using Axis 2 for quite some time now. What I have is a Axis2 WS deployed under a compressed WAR in JBoss. At first, I attempted to use the POJO approach, but I ran into problems where Axis2 turned all my custom classes into AnyTypes instead of actually generateding complex types to describe them. After several attempts at fixing this failed miserably, I dropped this approach for a more straight-forward one.

This time, I still have a compiled WAR, but instead of using a POJO, I start with the WSDL, describe all the complex data types, then use wsdl2java to generated a bunch of files. I could not figure out how to wsdl2java to use MY classes for the passed values, so I wrote a couple of "converter" classes that convert to and from my data classes and the ones generated by WSDL. Again, not really what I was hoping for, but what ever...

So, I get everything deploying, and I hit the URL http://localhost:8080/bp_server/services/BindpointService?wsdl , and I get:
        <description>Unable to generate WSDL 1.1 for this service</description>
<reason>If you wish Axis2 to automatically generate the WSDL 1.1, then please +set useOriginalwsdl as false in your services.xml</reason>

I tried pointing the FlexBuilder at the URL http://localhost:8080/bp_server/services/BindpointService?wsdl2 , but Flex apparently doesn't support WSDL 2.0. So, I took the suggestion of the error, but, when I try to change the property useOriginalwsdl from 'true' to 'false', it blows up like so: 21:51:38,084 ERROR [STDERR] org.apache.axis2.deployment.DeploymentException: The following error occurred during schema generation: null 21:51:38,085 ERROR [STDERR] at org .apache .axis2 .deployment .ServiceGroupBuilder.populateServiceGroup(ServiceGroupBuilder.java:106) 21:51:38,085 ERROR [STDERR] at org .apache .axis2 .deployment .repository.util.ArchiveReader.buildServiceGroup(ArchiveReader.java:103) 21:51:38,085 ERROR [STDERR] at org .apache .axis2 .deployment .repository.util.ArchiveReader.processServiceGroup(ArchiveReader.java: 172)

I am stumped. I would really love to figure this one out on my own, but over the past few weeks every path I go down gets shut. I am hoping that if I punt to the user mailing list someone might be able to push me in the right direction here.

Thanks in advance,

Michael Bauer

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