I am trying to use Axis2 to develop a simple web service. I care nothing about portability, this Web Service will be strictly internal and only needs to run against java clients. I tried a top-down approach using wsdl2java but couldn't stand the generated code. Therefore I opted for a bottom-up approach, wrote some simple classes and tried to generate a WSDK using java2wsdl. I'm not having much luck.

I attempt to run java2wsdl and am getting file not found errors that make no sense to me. What am I missing:

export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun;/home/me/apis/axis2-1.4/bin/java2wsdl.sh -of /home/me/wsdl/RDS.wsdl -sn RDS -tn http://www.dot.com -tp rds -stn http://www.dot.com/schema -stp rdss -cp /home/me/workspace/RDS/build/classes:/home/me/workspace/Vendor_Jars/commons-lang-2.4.jar -cn com.dot.data.svc.RDS
Using AXIS2_HOME:   /home/me/apis/axis2-1.4
Using JAVA_HOME:       /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun
An error occured while generating codejava.io.IOException: No such file or directory

In the above command line:
/home/me/apis/axis2-1.4 is AXIS2_HOME, and contains everything that came with the distribution /home/me/wsdl exists so the output file should be able to be put there without error. /home/me/workspace/RDS/build/classes exists and is the base directory of the classpath under which com.dot.data.svc.RDS.class is to be found
/home/me/workspace/Vendor_Jars exists and contains commons-lang-2.4.jar, which is the only external dependency in any of this code.

I therefore see nothing that could lead to a file not found, yet something in the java code of java2wsdl is not finding some file it needs. The error tells me that the shell script is executing all the way to launching the java, and is not coming from the shell script itself.

Can someone explain what is happening?

I don't see much documentation on java2wsdl. I see much more on wsdl2java.

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