I am using xsd2java command for generating standard Java Bean classes from
XML Schema.

I have multiple services and schemas. Some services share common schemas

I want to keep common Java Beans Classes for all in a single jar.

So I used "xsd2java.bat" for all schemas & generating classes in a same
directory and common genearted classes get overwritten.

it also creates Extension Mapper class and same time overwrite it with
Extension Mapper of other schema.

For other classes like Stub, Skeleton, MsgReceiverInOut and others, we are
using wsdl2java utility which creates its own Extension Mapper.

How should we use these Extension Mapper classes (One that created by using
wsdl2java and other created from xsd2java)?

Please suggest.

Or is there some other way to get common Java Beans classes for multiple

--Thanks In Advance


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