
Just in case it benefits for someone else, The cause of this problem was
that the machine's Regional and Languages was set to Arabic(Something that I
haven't dealt with before). I  have changed to English and everything went

Still wondering why Axis2-1.4 work fine with Arabic settings and and not

On Mon, May 19, 2008 at 10:55 AM, asheikh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hey Joern,
> Thanks for the response. The code below works fine for me as well.  I don't
> understand why the mistake is because of my code. My code runs fine with
> Axis2-1.4 and Axis2-1.3 in another machine.
> The NumberFormat Exception is thrown by
>  org.apache.axis2.databinding.utils.ConverterUtil.convertToDateTime(*
> ConverterUtil.java:620*)
> and I am passing the right xml DateTime format that
> Please see this http://marc.info/?l=axis-dev&m=118409462818489&w=2
> Thanks again, and please let me know if I am missing something...
> On 5/19/08, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> H ey ,
>> you have got a NumerFormat Exception. That is not a mistake of Axis, it is
>> because of your code:
>> Maybe you try this one:
>> SimpleDateFormat format = *new*
>> SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd' 'HH:mm:ss.0");
>> Date now = *new* Date();
>> String dateString = now.toString();
>> String value = format.format(now);
>> System.*out*.println(" Value :"+ value);
>> This works fine for me ....
>> Cheers
>> Jörn
>>  Hi
>> Running the following code in two machines with latest release  axis2-1.3
>> (axis2-1.4 is fine) generates the exception below , while other machines are
>> fine.
>> org.apache.axis2.databinding.utils.ConverterUtil
>> .*convertToDateTime*
>> Please, can someone put some light on why the following code would
>> generates the exception in one machine and not the other.....
>> Thanks
>> *public* *static* *void* testXMLDateTime () {
>> String tin = "2007-12-20T18:36:29.6102028Z";
>> String tout = "2007-12-20T20:18:11.028Z";
>> System.*out*.println("Axis2 converts " + tin + " to Java Date: "
>> + ConverterUtil.*convertToDateTime*(tin).getTime());
>> System.
>> *out*.println("Axis2 converts " + tout + " to Java Date: "
>> + ConverterUtil.*convertToDateTime*(tout).getTime());
>> System.
>> *out*.println("Axis2 converts "
>> + tin
>> +
>> " to dateTime: "
>> + ConverterUtil.*convertToString*(ConverterUtil
>> .*convertToDateTime*(tin).getTime()));
>> System.
>> *out*.println("Axis2 converts "
>> + tout
>> +
>> " to dateTime: "
>> + ConverterUtil.*convertToString*(ConverterUtil
>> .*convertToDateTime*(tout).getTime()));
>> *try* {
>> DatatypeFactory dtf = DatatypeFactory.*newInstance*();
>> XMLGregorianCalendar calin = dtf.newXMLGregorianCalendar(tin);
>> System.
>> *out*.println("XMLGC converts " + tin + " to XML Format: "
>> + calin.toXMLFormat() +
>> " to Java Date: "
>> + calin.toGregorianCalendar().getTime());
>> XMLGregorianCalendar calout = dtf.newXMLGregorianCalendar(tout);
>> System.
>> *out*.println("XMLGC converts " + tout + " to XML Format: "
>> + calout.toXMLFormat() +
>> " to Java Date: "
>> + calout.toGregorianCalendar().getTime());
>> }
>> *catch* (DatatypeConfigurationException e) {
>> e.printStackTrace(System.
>> *err*);
>> }
>> }
>> Exception in thread "main" *java.lang.NumberFormatException*: Unparseable
>> date: "2007-12-20T18:36:29.6102028Z"
>> at org.apache.axis2.databinding.utils.ConverterUtil.convertToDateTime(*
>> ConverterUtil.java:620*)
>> at com.qnb.examples.axis2_13.Test.testXMLDateTime(*Test.java:32*)
>> at com.qnb.examples.axis2_13.Test.main(*Test.java:67*)

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