I have a best practice question on how to organize and package axis
handlers into one or more modules.

I have a set of Axis 1.4 handlers that are used in several scenarios.
Depending on the scenarios, some handlers are not placed in the handler chain.
It was easy to have various configurations in Axis 1.4 because you can
specifically place these handlers based on your scenario.

With Axis 2, this general flexibility has been replaced by a more
pluggable module model where handlers are preconfigured in some
specific order.

For example, suppose we have three distinct scenarios using Axis 1.4
handlers A, B, C, D, and E.

Each scenario is configured with

Config 1 for scenario X

Config 2 for scenario Y

Config 3 for scenario Z

How should I modify the 1.4 handlers and define new modules for Axis 2?

One extreme approach would be to define a module for each distinct
scenario. But I think this is very inefficient because we will need to
define many modules and need load the same classes for each module.

Another extreme approach would be to make each handler switchable
between active and inactive and define an aggregated sequence of these
handlers to cover all scenarios A D B D E C.  In this case, turning
off D and E will result in config 1. Turning off E will result in
config 2, etc. This is actually what we currently have. But I am not
sure if there is another approach.

Any suggestion would be appreciated.


Regards, Aki

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