ok I keep the same mail for the next message, because it's almost the same

so..in fact, I work on a web service, and axis2 (1.3) make some mistake when
I deploy it in tomcat (5.5.9) :
the generated wsdl that you access by
localhost:8080......../servicename?wsdl   have some problems.

my structure is like that :
the wsdl use the types of schema1 and schema2
schema1 use the types of schema 2.

so my wsdl import schema1, which import schema2

so I tried to import both schemas in my wsdl ... doesn't not work when
deploy, because, like with soapUI, it try to retrieve schema2 2 times.
.. so I just import the schema1, which import schema2 . it work, fine, but
just one time.
I explain : in /localhost/axis2/services/listServices :
I have the list of the services. When I try to see one, (I mean the
servicename?wsdl) it work for the import schema :  (servcename

<xsd:import namespace="http:/local/schema/2008/UserTypes"

from here, ok it work.
but after, if i try to see another service (UserBase) , it's written :

<xsd:import namespace="http:/local/schema/2008/UserTypes"

instead of UserBase?xsd=xsd0.xsd    ... and so this will not work after..
and with 10 services, you will see something lie import

what can I do to fix that ??

thank a lot if you have any ideas :)

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