It is indeed on a WebLogic server.

But if I do remember, it is the following infrastructure:

2 weblogic servers with this WEB APP on it.
In front of it an Apache Webserver for loadbalancing
in front of it a BlueCoat that handles the HTTPS.

The actual problem is that (if the HTTP is disabled and HTTPS is
enabled), he waits for a timeout of 45 seconds for the HTTP protocol
to give us the WSDL.  And in the wsdl, still give us the http

<wsdl:service name="RegistrationAtBoot">
- <wsdl:port name="RegistrationAtBootSOAP11port_http"
location=""; />
- <wsdl:port name="RegistrationAtBootSOAP12port_http"
location=""; />
- <wsdl:port name="RegistrationAtBootHttpport"
location=""; />

2008/7/9 Deepal jayasinghe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Are you using just standalone version of Axis2 or Axis2 on tomcat or
> somewhere ?
> if it is on Tomcat then you do not need to add this https in axis2.xml
>> Ok,  i've found the problem for the class path.  I'm running on JDK
>> 1.4 and the nio packages use the that is
>> introduced in JDK 1.5
>> is there a workaround for this?  Or do we need to migrate to JDK 1.5?
>> 2008/7/9 Jan Verstuyft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>> Hi Deepal,
>>> thanks for the response.  I've tried this, but he still is complaining
>>> about the nio files.
>>> Like I told, i've uncommented the section of transport receiver for
>>> https (at the first moment, I don't mind the settings, first I want to
>>> get this working :)  ).,
>>> I've put the following services in my services.xml:
>>>       <service name="RegistrationAtBoot">
>>>           <description>
>>>               This service can be used when a unit does a registration at
>>> Boot
>>>           </description>
>>>           <messageReceivers>
>>>               <messageReceiver
>>>                       mep="";
>>> class="org.apache.axis2.rpc.receivers.RPCInOnlyMessageReceiver"/>
>>>               <messageReceiver
>>>                       mep="";
>>> class="org.apache.axis2.rpc.receivers.RPCMessageReceiver"/>
>>>           </messageReceivers>
>>>           <parameter
>>> name="ServiceClass"></parameter>
>>>           <transports>
>>>               <transport>https</transport>
>>>           </transports>
>>>       </service>
>>> And the following file structure is present at my web app (is a
>>> Weblogic 8.1 application server)
>>> WEB-INF\
>>> WEB-INF\services
>>> WEB-INF\services\services.aar  (with my service in this)
>>> WEB-INF\services\services.lst
>>> WEB-INF\conf\
>>> WEB-INF\conf\axis2.xml
>>> WEB-INF\lib\
>>> WEB-INF\modules
>>> And in the lib directory,  I've many jar files from axis2, including
>>> the following for nio:
>>> httpcore-4.0-alpha5.jar
>>> httpcore-nio-4.0-alpha5.jar
>>> httpcore-niossl-4.0-alpha5.jar
>>> Normally, that is your classpath I guess, or am I missing something?
>>> For the record, I'm using axis2 1.3
>>> Kind regards
>>> Jan Verstuyft
>>> 2008/7/9 Deepal Jayasinghe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>>>> Hmmm,
>>>>> I guess I'm already one step closer :).
>>>>> Do I also need to define the transportreceiver for HTTPS?
>>>> Yes , you need to do that.
>>>>>  I've read
>>>>> something about configure the services.xml with the following stuff:
>>>>> <transports>
>>>>>  <transport>https</transport>
>>>>> </transports>
>>>> yes you also need to add the expose transports in services.xml
>>>>> So that you only have the https transport.  But if I do this, he
>>>>> complains that HTTPS is not defined as transport.
>>>>> If you uncomment the section in axis2.xml
>>>>>   <transportReceiver name="https"
>>>>> class="org.apache.axis2.transport.nhttp.HttpCoreNIOSSLListener">
>>>>>       <parameter name="port" locked="false">7002</parameter>
>>>>>       <parameter name="non-blocking" locked="false">true</parameter>
>>>>>       <parameter name="keystore" locked="false">
>>>>>           <KeyStore>
>>>>>               <Location>identity.jks</Location>
>>>>>               <Type>JKS</Type>
>>>>>               <Password>password</Password>
>>>>>               <KeyPassword>password</KeyPassword>
>>>>>           </KeyStore>
>>>>>       </parameter>
>>>>>       <parameter name="truststore" locked="false">
>>>>>           <TrustStore>
>>>>>               <Location>trust.jks</Location>
>>>>>               <Type>JKS</Type>
>>>>>               <Password>password</Password>
>>>>>           </TrustStore>
>>>>>       </parameter>-->
>>>>>       <!--<parameter name="SSLVerifyClient">require</parameter>
>>>>>           supports optional|require or defaults to none -->
>>>>>   </transportReceiver>
>>>>> He complains that he doesn't find the class:
>>>>> org/apache/http/impl/nio/reactor/SSLIOSessionHandler
>>>>> Can someone help?
>>>> Try to add NIO classes into the class path.
>>>>> Kind regards
>>>>> Jan Verstuyft
>>>>> 2008/7/8 Jan Verstuyft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> we had a default configuration for our axis2 webservices and now we
>>>>>> want to put this on a HTTPS configuration.  The intention is also to
>>>>>> block the http request.
>>>>>> Because we've found some settings in the axis2.xml:
>>>>>>  <transportSender name="http"
>>>>>> class="org.apache.axis2.transport.http.CommonsHTTPTransportSender">
>>>>>>      <parameter name="PROTOCOL">HTTP/1.1</parameter>
>>>>>>  </transportSender>
>>>>>>  <transportSender name="https"
>>>>>> class="org.apache.axis2.transport.http.CommonsHTTPTransportSender">
>>>>>>      <parameter name="PROTOCOL">HTTP/1.1</parameter>
>>>>>>  </transportSender>
>>>>>> We've thought that we don't need to change anything on the axis2
>>>>>> configuration.
>>>>>> But, if our system administrator configure the webserver to only
>>>>>> accept the HTTPS, we receive a timeout for the request for the WSDL.
>>>>>> Only after 45 seconds, the requested wsdl is shown.  And even then, in
>>>>>> the wsdl, the default paths are still http://...
>>>>>> What do we need to configure so that HTTPS will works?
>>>>>> Kind regards
>>>>>> Jan Verstuyft
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>>>> Deepal
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> Thanks,
> Deepal
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